
Why Your Book Title Matters

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If you are hoping to sell lots of books on Amazon Kindle, you need to stand out from the crowd. Every decision you make about how to present your book to potential audiences will have an effect on whether or not those readers decide to buy. There are lots of factors at play here, and one of the most important is what you decide to call your book.

Your book’s title is an important indicator for readers. It should be intriguing, eye-catching, easily understandable, a little mysterious, memorable, genre-revealing, and give a hint at what the readers can expect if they decide to make a purchase.

Most titles are a few words long at most so it’s a big ask to try and capture the essence of your book and present the right kind of information to your readers. Get it wrong and you may see your book sales plummet. Get it right and you could see them soar.

So what are some of the things you need to consider when crafting the perfect title for your Kindle book? Here are some things to think about. 

Does your book title create intrigue?

Creating intrigue is a delicate balance. On the one hand, if your title is intriguing readers will be more motivated to buy it – they’ll want to find out more. However, if you stray too far from the genre or don’t reveal anything about what the book might be about you have gone too far the other way – the title won’t mean anything to your readers and so they’ll have trouble feeling engaged enough to make a purchase. 

Is your title going to be easily discovered?

If you aren’t a bestselling author, you need to make sure that your book title makes it easily discoverable. Kindle’s keyword generator can help you find important keywords that readers are searching for and you may wish to consider crafting a title around them. If your book is a mystery book you could include the word mystery in the title, if the book is a romance you could include the word romance or love. 

Does your title work within its genre?

Genre pairing is another important factor when it comes to creating a great book title. Simply put, the genre needs to match the title and vice versa. Being clear about your genre and audience will help you to pick an appropriate title that tells audiences which genre your book fits into straight away. 

Is your title relevant and specific?

Vagueness in the book title is never a good thing. You want readers to be able to make a decision about whether this book is one they’ll want to read. So don’t beat around the bush and ensure that your title makes sense, is clear and specific, and revealing too.

By using the above as a guide, you can carefully craft the perfect title for your novel. Spending time on your title can make a massive difference to your book sales, so take this task seriously, give it your time and attention, and don’t stop until you’ve found a title that is worthy of your story. 

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