
Types Of Blog Post To Boost Your Business

When it comes to writing your business blog, there may be times where you get stuck for ideas. You want to give your audience different types of exciting, valuable content, you want to boost your SEO and see your company website appear higher and higher in search results for your target keywords, you want your customers to think highly of your brand – but how? Well, content is the answer, but it comes in many forms.

If you need some inspiration for the types of posts and content you can put out there to help do all of the above, then look no further – here are some inspirational ideas to help get you there!

First of all, let’s look at the types of posts you can explore.

Helpful posts

All of your content needs to have some value, but helpful posts are those where you are really looking to help the reader overcome a specific problem that they have.

Giving posts

Posts that give away something for nothing are always going to go down well. Make sure you include freebies, offers, discounts, gifts – whatever you can – a company that’s thought of as generous and great value, and one that looks after their loyal customers will be one that customers return to time and time again.

Amusing posts

Sometimes posts don’t need to have any other purpose than to make someone laugh or entertain them. You can curate content just for this purpose to help ensure you stick in customers minds and they think favorably of you too.

Promo posts

There is nothing wrong with promoting your business in your content sometimes. However, it is important to make sure that when you do your promotions are relevant, timely and of value to your intended audience.

Conversational posts

If you want to get engagement one of the best ways to do so is to start a conversation. Ask questions, say something controversial, provoke a response. Getting your content liked and shared is one thing, but actually getting your readers to think about and respond to what you have to say is even better.

So now you understand the types of posts you can put out there what forms can they take? This is where you can get creative as a business and also do some experimentation to see what works best for you. Popular types include case studies, surveys, how-to posts, videos, FAQs, checklists, guides, infographics, tools and tips, roundups, interviews and so much more. So don’t be afraid to create a wide variety of posts, just make sure you have the tools in place to analyze which ones are the most successful.

So there you have it – the next time you are stuck with what to write remember, there is so much you can do to provide your audience with fresh, relevant and exciting content that engages them. So what are you waiting for?!

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