
Choosing A Book Title – Everything You Need To Know

When selecting a title for your book, you need to make sure that it’s a good one. Some authors know their book titles before they even start writing; some chop and change as they go, and others find the process incredibly difficult and have many sleepless nights because of it.

The truth is that a well-chosen book title can make a difference when it comes to the success of your book, and so it is well worth taking your time and considering different options before you make your choice.

A good book title will boost the sales of your book. There is plenty of data to back this up. Sometimes just the smallest tweak can make a big difference. Giving your book the best chance to sell is crucial. So let’s examine some of the aspects you need to consider.

How to generate intrigue

A great book title will generate intrigue. It’s pretty challenging to reveal your entire story in the title, so what you need to do is hint at what is inside while also creating a sense of mystery or interest that will get readers wanting to find out more. At the same time, be careful. Trying to be too mysterious can tip over into plain old confusing if you aren’t – and you want readers to have an understanding of what they can expect from your book, not be bewildered by it.


Knowing what kinds of things your readers will search for when looking for new books can help you come up with a title that matches their needs. Putting keywords in your title won’t work if it feels awkward, but if there is a way to do so naturally, this can help your book reach more readers.

The genre

The genre of your book will also play an important part when deciding what your title should be. You will quickly get a feel for the kinds of titles that do well and the tone and language you should use by doing some research. Ensure that you choose a title that means it’s easy for a reader to recognize the genre.

What information it conveys

Your title should convey some information about the book if possible. Readers want to make quick decisions, and if your title is too ambiguous, this might be off-putting. Think about how you can capture the essence of your story in just a few words.

By considering the above, you can choose a title that generates interest and ultimately sells your story. So even if you are currently set on your book title, perhaps it is worth going back and making sure that it really is the best option for you.

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