
How To Get More Clicks From Google AdWords

If you want to improve your click-through rate on Google Adwords, then follow these useful tips!

1. Utilize all types of ad extension

There is a variety of ad extensions available to help make your ad more visible. Make sure you take advantage of the full range of ad extensions which will help make yours stand out above your competition and reach a relevant and interested audience. 

2. Write excellent ad copy

The reason why many ads fall short is that not enough time has been spent crafting engaging ad copy that will appeal to your intended audience. Think about how you can not only make your readers pay attention but also how to include a compelling CTA that will help to see your CTR soar. Research what your competitors are doing and take the time to clarify what you do better. Your USPs should be evident in your ad and designed to entice the recipient. Try split testing different ad copy to see which is most successful and make sure you use capitalization to help your text stand out.

3. Don’t forget to include target keywords in your ad

You’d be surprised how many ads are approved without making sure that the target keywords being bid for are included in the ad copy. This can not only lead to disappointing click through but also mean that your business ends up paying more than they should do for your ad. Every ad you create should be focused around a target keyword that should be included in the copy and display URL. Adding multiple keywords into your account and AdWords interface should also be done carefully, and by creating tightly focused themes around small groups of keywords will ensure that your ads are more visible. 

4. Remember to adjust your bids

You need to make regular adjustments to your bids to ensure that they are working effectively for you. If you bid too low on your target keywords, this will naturally negatively impact your CTR’s. Review your bidding processes often to ensure that you avoid this mistake. 

5. Look to your competitors

There is nothing wrong with a little healthy competition, but don’t miss out by ignoring what your competitors are up to. Keeping abreast of the adverts other relevant business operators are putting out can give you fresh ideas and inspiration for your own.

Taking the time to improve your CTR can help to drive traffic to your website and boost your sales. Use the techniques above to help improve conversion rates and improve your performance overall.

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