
Simple Tips To Optimise Your Web Pages

Making sure that your business web pages are optimized for SEO is so important. Doing so will ensure that Google and other search engines can crawl them to understand what they are about and will mean that when people search for the goods and services that your business offers, it will come up as one of the top pages, meaning more customers and higher revenue for you.

Of course, not every business can have a dedicated digital marketing team to ensure that the pages of their website are perfect, but by following these simple tips to optimize them, you can make a real difference.

Do a website analysis

Before you make any changes to your website, it is a good idea first to analyze your metasets and keywords to see how well you are already doing regarding search engine visibility. You should also examine how well your main competitors are doing. You can do this by entering relevant keywords and seeing which businesses come top in the search engine rankings.
Tools such as Semrush.com and keywordspy.com can help you with the analysis.

Then develop a list of targeted search terms that are relevant to the products and services you offer and what your business is about overall. Think from the customer’s perspective. If you were looking for what you offer, what would you type into a search engine?

Do in-depth keyword research

Once you have identified keywords and phrases you want to target, you can also examine other lists and industry sources. You should try to determine how many other businesses are competing for each targeted keyword and prioritize which ones you most want to focus on. If the words are ones that may be misspelled make sure you include the misspelled versions in your keyword targeting too, though bear in mind that Google will try to correct the term when searching.

You will be able to identify where you currently rank for each keyword. Put analysis in place to monitor your improvement. Set your goals for growth and make sure they are clearly defined, ambitious but not unrealistic. You can set goals around website traffic and conversion rate and break this down so you can apply it to specific pages or products you sell so you can focus on particular strategies.

Optimizing your pages

Create page titles that contain your keywords then use meta tags to help encourage click-throughs (though remember google doesn’t use meta description tags to influence rankings any more).

Your search keywords and phrases should be strategically placed throughout the content of your page, including page headings and website source code. It is essential that when including keywords and phrases they fit in naturally with the flow of the content, otherwise you could be penalized for keyword stuffing. Make sure that your content is detailed enough to engage the reader. It used to be recommended that pages were only 100-300 words in length. Now the recommendation is anything from 800 to 2000 words – enough so that your reader and Google can understand what your page is about and why it contains crucial, useful information for the customer.

Try to include links to other sources in your page content – you can link to other pages of your own website which helps organize the content as well as reputable external sources. If you can get backlinks from them as well, all the better as this proves to Google that you are credible, trustworthy and have information worth reading.

Next, you can develop new sitemaps for Google and Bing. Help these search engines index your website and make sure you create both XML and HTML versions of the site too.

Submit your website to specific directories such as Yahoo! and business.com. Including AdSense scripts can help encourage Google Media bot to visit, and pages indexed more quickly.

Testing and Measuring

Don’t forget to continue to analyze your web traffic and measure improvement. Optimizing your web pages is an organic process, and there is always other changes you can make to help your page’s performance. Testing the results of changes makes sure that you keep track of effectiveness and can continue to modify keywords and add fresh content to your website for maximum effect.

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